Selected Publications:

Sayin S., ElGamel M, Rosener B., Brehm M., Mugler M., Mitchell A., Bacterial population dynamics during colonization of solid tumors. bioXiv 2025 (pre-print)

Lowry M, Wang Y, Dagan T, Mitchell A. Colibactin leads to a bacteria-specific mutation pattern and self-inflicted DNA damage. Genome Research 2024 (Genome Research, PubMed)

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Lowry M, Mitchell A. Colibactin-induced damage in bacteria is cell contact independent. mBio 2024 (mBio, bioXiv, PubMed)

Noto Guillen M, Li C, Rosener B, Mitchell A. Antibacterial activity of nonantibiotics is orthogonal to standard antibiotics. Science 2024 (Science, PubMed)
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Covered on Nature Reviews Drug discovery, Chemistry World.

Mitchell A. Tumor-microbiome-drug interactions approached at a systems level (in review)

Sayin S. and Mitchell A. Functional Assay for Measuring Bacterial Degradation of Gemcitabine Chemotherapy. Bio-Protocol 2023 (Bio-Protocol, PubMed)

Sayin S., Rosener B, Li C., Ho B., Ponomarova O, Ward D, Walhout AJ., Mitchell A. Evolved bacterial resistance to the chemotherapy gemcitabine modulates its efficacy. eLife 2023 (eLife, PubMed)
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Noto Guillen M, Rosener B, Sayin S, Mitchell A. Assembling stable syntrophic Escherichia coli communities by comprehensively identifying beneficiaries of secreted goods. Cell Systems Biology 2021 (Cell Systems, PubMed)
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Khoshkenar P*, Lowry E*, Mitchell A. Rapid signaling reactivation after targeted BRAF inhibition predicts the proliferation of individual melanoma cells from an isogenic population. Scientific reports 2021 (Scientific Reports / PubMed)
* equal contribution
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Rosener B, Sayin S, Oluoch PO, García González AP, Mori H, Walhout AJ, Mitchell A. Evolved bacterial resistance against fluoropyrimidines can lower chemotherapy impact in the Caenorhabditis elegans host. eLife 2020 (eLife / PubMed)

Xavier JB, et al. The Cancer Microbiome: Distinguishing Direct and Indirect Effects Requires a Systemic View. Trends in Cancer 2019 (Trends in Cancer)

Dahan O, Dorfman BS, Sayin S, Rosener B, Hua T, Yarden A, Mitchell A. Harnessing robotic automation and web-based technologies to modernize scientific outreach. PLoS Biology 2019 (PLoS Bio / PubMed)

Shraga A., Olshvang I., Zabolinsky A., Khoshkenar P., Germain N., Shurrush K., Carvalho K., Avram L., Albeck S., Unger T., Lefker B., Subramanyam B., Hudkins RR. L., Mitchell A., Shulman Z., Kinoshita T., London N. Covalent docking identifies a potent and selective MKK7 inhibitor
Cell Chemical Biology 2018 (Cell Chem Bio / PubMed)

Bugaj, LJ., Sabnis, A., Mitchell A., Garbarino J., Bivona T., Toettcher, JE., and Lim W.  Cancer mutations and targeted drugs can disrupt dynamic signal encoding by the Ras-Erk pathway.
Science 2018 (Science / PubMed)

Mitchell A. Lim WA. Cellular perception and misperception: Internal models for decision-making shaped by evolutionary experience.
BioEssays 2016 (BioEssays / PubMed)

Mitchell A., Wei P., and Lim WA. Oscillatory stress stimulation uncovers an Achilles heel of the yeast MAPK signaling network. 
Science 2015 (Science / PubMed)

Yona AH, Manor YS, Herbst RH, Romano GH, Mitchell A, Kupiec M, Pilpel Y, Dahan O. Chromosomal duplication is a transient evolutionary solution to stress. 
PNAS 2012 (PNAS / PubMed)

Mitchell A, and Pilpel Y, A Mathematical Model for Adaptive Prediction of Environmental Changes by Microorganisms. 
PNAS 2011 (PNAS / PubMed)

Mitchell A, Romano GH, Groisman B, Yona A, Dekel E, Kupiec M, Dahan O, Pilpel Y. Adaptive Prediction of Environmental Changes by Microorganisms.
Nature 2009 (Nature / PubMed)

Mayrose I*, Mitchell A.*, and Pupko T. (*equal contribution). Site-Specific Evolutionary Rate Inference: Taking Phylogenetic Uncertainty into Account. 
Journal of Mol Evolution 2005 (PubMed)

Mitchell A, and Graur D. The Pattern of Spontaneous mutation In Mycobacterium leprae and a comparison of mutation patterns across large evolutionary distances. 
Journal of Mol Evolution 2005 (PubMed)



  • Machluf Y, Dahan O, Shpalter C, Mitchell A, and Yarden A. Bioinformatics in the service of Biotechnology – an online textbook for Israeli high school students. Ministry of Education, Israel 2010