Our lab is located in the U. Mass medical school in the new Sherman center for Biomedical research.

Our lab is located in the U. Mass medical school in the new Sherman center for Biomedical research.


Our lab is part of the Program in Systems Biology at the University of Massachusetts medical school and We are also core members of the Center for Cancer Systems Biology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston.

We are also affiliated with the Program of Molecular Medicine, the Department of Molecular, Cell and Cancer Biology and the Cancer Center and the University of Massachusetts Medical School.


Mailing address

Mitchell Lab
Program in Systems Biology
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Albert Sherman Center, Rm. 5.1045
368 Plantation Street
Worcester, MA 01605


Amir: amir.mitchell@umassmed.edu
Kristen (admin): kristen.yanick@umassmed.edu


Office: 774-455-3795
Lab: 774 455-4014
Admin: 774-455-3694
Fax: 508-856-2105

Inquiries about positions should be emailed to Amir. Please check out the Join section for more details.