Datacamp course track

Introduction to R (4h)
In Introduction to R, you will master the basics of this widely used open source language, including factors, lists, and data frames.

Intermediate R (6h)
Intermediate R is the next stop on your journey in mastering the R programming language. In this R training, you will learn about conditional statements, loops, and functions to power your own R scripts

Data Visualization with ggplot2 (Part 1) (4h)
This course, the first R data visualization course in the series, introduces you to the principles of good visualizations and the grammar of graphics plotting concepts implemented in the ggplot2 package

Introduction to the Tidyverse (4h)
This is an introduction to the programming language R, focused on a powerful set of tools known as the Tidyverse. You'll learn the intertwined processes of data manipulation and visualization using the tools dplyr and ggplot2.

(optional) Introduction to Bioconductor in R (4h)
Bioconductor is and builds the infrastructure to share software tools (packages), workflows and datasets for the analysis and comprehension of genomic data.

RNA-Seq with Bioconductor in R (4h)
Join us in learning about the RNA-Seq workflow and discovering how to identify which genes and biological processes may be important for your condition of interest.

And a few advanced topics:

Differential Expression Analysis with limma in R (4h)

Single-Cell RNA-Seq with Bioconductor in R (4h)

Single-Cell RNA-Seq with Bioconductor in R (4h)